About us
If you're a child or young person aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities, we can provide you with the information, advice and support you need. We have a helpline that you can ring to get information.
You can contact us directly for information, advice and support over the telephone or we can come and meet you to talk to you. When you contact us, we will help you decide what support you need.
This could mean speaking to a member of the team who will answer your questions and give you information. Or it could mean a support worker coming out to meet you and helping you understand what is going on.
An advocate can be used who will listen to what you say and help you tell others how you feel. This could be at meetings, by letter, by email or by making a complaint. The advocate only works for you and will keep what you say private unless you say anything that makes them worried - then they will talk to you about this. This is if they are worried about your safety or somebody else's.
To get support from an advocate to come and help you on a one-to-one basis, please contact us.
To find out more about IAS services you can watch the Introduction to the Information Advice and Support Service video.
Links to useful documents
Links to other, useful websites
Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for Special Educational Needs and Disability (DIASS) is not responsible for the content of any websites that are listed here.